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Thursday, November 16, 2017

To my beautiful person

I know you're broken deep within,
Your heart is filled with painful things—
Of betrayal, imperfections, and sorrows
Of lies, broken promises, and missed occasions

You traversed the road of childhood's loneliness,
Of teenage years’ hardships and first love and kisses,
All those years you have been strong and you still are,
Your heart is made of steel but year-round warm

Your mind bleeds with uncertainties
Over thinking of so much little things,
You’re afraid that one day you’d lose everything
And the chances you should now be taking

I know how much you are longing for someone
To love you the way you can give love to a loved one,
Without hesitations, excuses, and reservation
But will all of heart, spirit, and mind’s affection

Reach your dreams and goals with burning passion
For I know God will grant what you’re praying for
Just have faith, perseverance, and determination
But will of all heart, spirit, and mind's affection

So go on now my beautiful person,
Reach your dreams and goals with burning passion
For I know God will grant what you are praying for
Just have faith, perseverance, and determination.

ctto: Arlene Abcede #Freedom #Poetry

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