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Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Finding old friends

As I am constantly searching for old friends in elementary and high school, I was surprised to see them via facebook. I am getting the chance to look back my yesteryears of being a child then.

It's a good thing to go remember things that we were together. Before we parted our ways, we spent a lot of time playing games in the ground. No computer games available yet at that time.

We have got the chance to play and have some sweat on our own. On which nowadays, the disadvantage of today's computer games. Hmmm... I just don't know what I am saying in this post.

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

I miss everything in Apalit

What I miss most in Apalit? Let me metion: thanksgiving, worship services, prayer meetings, practice with orchestra, being at live in Bible Expositions, prayer at the Chapel, everything about inside the ADD Convention Center.

Also with the people I meet for about two years. Classmates, group mates, batch mates, and everyone. With the La Verdad Christian Colleges officials, students, visitors. The smell of the places, the happy faces, the joyful dance steps, and everything.

Hoping that in the near future, may the good Lord lead me to be in Apalit town again. I really miss the place as I am listening to Yiruma's My Heart Sent To You piece.

Monday, August 15, 2011

More fruits to come!

The First week of August, 2011, I accidentally started on fruits diet. I eat pineapples, mangoes and bananas. I eat them of course with intervals for better digestion. With the help of dietitians, I have practice eating fruits with no other combination as usually people do.

Mango fruit is richin pre-biotic dietary fiber, vitamins, minerals and poly-phenolic flavonoid antioxidant compounds. While pineapple contains vitamins A, B1, Ccalcium, phosphorus, magnesium, iron, natrium, potassium, dextrose, sukrosa (sugar cane) and bromelain is used to make the meat tender, with the set of cancer growth, prevent platelet aggregation, and have activities fibrinolitik . It also has asid sitrik the expression to eliminate fat and thin body. Gynecology fiber can be easier defecate on people with constipation (constipation). The leaves contain calsium oksalat and pectic Substances. But pineapples has no direct connection with pine and apple.

Bananas contains good amount of soluble dietary fiber (7% of DRA per 100 g) that helps normal bowel movements; thereby reducing constipation problems.

Monday, August 08, 2011

Mistakes mistakes

According to a book I am reading for a long period of time, record your mistakes with   care and pride. This is a learning device that will surely won't happen again. Record it in your special idea notebook.

Here are the things to do with your mistakes specially in a working environment:

          • Admit your mistake
          • Present your boss with a plan to fix your mistake
          • Don't blame with anyone else for your mistake
          • Apologize for your mistake but don't beat yourself up
          • Correct your mistake on your own time
Details of the steps can read via this link.

Monday, August 01, 2011

Fashion craze sale

The Talavera Department Store will start to kick off its Fashion Craze Sale this coming August 1st. And it is a month-long sales activity for all valued shoppers out there. All you have to do is to buy P500 worth of items and get the chance to pick a prize instantly from the day you shop at the store.

Once you pick, you will get 1 major prize, 4 minor prize and a lot of discounts. So hurry up, get ready to enter the store starting August 1 and get the chance to win exciting prizes.

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