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Showing posts with label Music & Entertainment. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Music & Entertainment. Show all posts

Monday, July 01, 2024

Philippine national anthem (English)

Land of the morning,
Child of the sun returning,
With fervor burning,
Thee do our souls adore.
Land dear and holy,
Cradle of noble heroes,
Ne’er shall invaders
Trample thy sacred shore.
Ever within thy skies and through thy clouds
And o’er thy hills and sea,
Do we behold the radiance, feel and throb,
Of glorious liberty.
Thy banner, dear to all our hearts,
Its sun and stars alight,
O never shall its shining field
Be dimmed by tyrant’s might!
Beautiful land of love,
O land of light,
In thine embrace ’tis rapture to lie,
But it is glory ever, when thou art wronged,
For us, thy sons to suffer and die.

This English version was translated in the 1940s and it is based on the original Spanish version.

Monday, June 10, 2024

Himno nacional de Filipinas (Español)

Tierra adorada
Hija del sol de oriente
Su fuego ardiente en ti latiendo está.
Patria de amores
Del heroismo cuna,
Los invasores
No te hallarán jamás.
En tu azul cielo, en tus auras,
En tus montes y en tu mar
Esplende y late el poema
De tu amada libertad.
Tu pabellón, que en las lides
La victoria iluminó
No verá nunca apagados
Sus estrellas y su sol.
Tierra de dichas, del sol y amores,
En tu regazo dulce es vivir.
Es una gloria para tus hijos,
Cuando te ofenden, por ti morir.

The music of the original Spanish version entitled "Macha Nacional Filipina" which was composed by Julian Felipe in 1898 and its lyrics adopted from the poem "Filipinas" written by Jose Palma in 1899.

Monday, May 06, 2024

City of Ilagan Hymn

Lyrics by Nilo Agustin
Music by Ato del Rosario
Vocalist: Samuel Acosta

Hail! Our beloved homeland
The City of Ilagan
Bestowed with the bounty of the rivers and the streams
Shielded by the mountains of Sierra Madre

You are the heart of our noble farmers
The abode of our culture and traditions
The home of loving and gentle people
That lives proudly with dignity

You will always be our peaceful home
The cradle of Ilagueño’s home
You shall blossom, flourish for our vision
As the Liveable City of Ilagan

God bless the City of Ilagan
The cherished legacy of our forefathers
Our home, our land, our beloved homeland
The Liveable City of Ilagan!

The "City of Ilagan Hymn" is a poignant musical homage crafted for the esteemed Ilagueño populace and their dynamic urban center. Infused with verses that echo the storied past and vibrant traditions of Ilagan, this hymn encapsulates the profound pride and communal ethos that characterize the city. Through its stirring lyrics and melodies, it exalts the splendor of Ilagan, its breathtaking landscapes, and the genuine warmth of its inhabitants. Serving as a unifying anthem, it fosters a profound sense of unity and belonging among Ilagueños while nurturing a deep respect for the city's rich heritage and enduring legacy.

Saturday, January 28, 2023

Tikyo nagsalita na patungkol sa mga scammer

Lumabas ngayong araw ang official statement ni Tikyocruz tungkol sa mga na scammer na gumagawa ng mga fake account. Ayon sa video, may mga fake account na nagrere-upload ng mga video ni Whamsy. Ang mga nagrere-upload ay ginagamit ang videos ni Whamsy upang pagkakitaan at magkaroon ng fake followers. Pati na rin ang mga video nila AwitGamer at kay Whamoscruz na maramig nagrere-upload upang pagkakitaan ng mga scammer.

Screenshot ng video na naglalabas ng saloobin ni Tikyo sa mga scammer.

Pinaalalahanan ng mga manonood tungkol sa tunay na Facebook page ni Whamsy. Pinabulaanan din niya na hindi piniperahan at ginagamit si Whamsy para magkapera kundi upang tulungan ang

Pati na rin yung bagong gawang Facebook page ni Baby Meteor ay talagang ginawan na rin ng mga fake account sa social media giant na Facebook upang pagkakitaan ng mga scammer. Ginagamit pa ang mga photo na ninanakaw at inire-upload upang magmuklang legitimate page pero hindi naman pala. Para sa pansariling kapakanan lang ito ng mga gumagawa ng fake accounts.

Panagawan namin sa inyo mga kababayan ay ireport ang mga gumagawa ng fake accounts bilang violation sa community guidelines ng Facebook.

Thursday, May 17, 2018

Isabela March

We're Isabelan's true and loyal children
And we take pride in her great name
We're marching out to tell all men
Of our lovely province's fame

From old San Pablo to Cordon town
Mallig Plains to Palanan
Blest with bountiful wealth
Mental and body health
Other blessings from above

So come join this happy throng
Come Isabelan's, come
Sing and shout her glories won
And love her till years to come

Were Isabelan's true and loyal children
And we take pride in her great name
We're marching out to tell all men
Of our lovely province's fame

Our number swells as we march along
As it was in yesteryears
We're decided to make the heavens resound
With the echo of our cheers

So come, join this happy throng
Come Isabelan's, come
Sing and shout her glories won
And love her till years to come

Sing and shout her glories won
And love her till years to come

Isabela Hymn

Isabela a home endeared by man upright and free
A land were peace and love abide where man of truth reside

Endowed with rich and glorious past
A heritage known and vast

From Palanan to Jones they stood
For freedom and for truth.

Her shining rivers teem with fish and mountain slush with trees
Her fertile fields abode with yields are blessings for our needs

Bless Isabela precious Lord!
And keep her in your fold

In unison we all proclaim
Her providential fame.

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Martsa ng Ilagan (Ilagan March)

Composed by Ingeno Rapadas

Sulong Na, Sulong Pa, Sige, Abante, Ilagan!
Sulong Na, Sulong Pa, Sige, Abante, Ilagan!
Kilos Na, Kilos Pa, Magguyu Paga Ittam!
Iyoddu Tam, Iyoddu Tam I Dayaw Na Ilagan!

Aru Ngana I Kingngua Tam
Sulong, Sulong, Sulong Pa!
Aru Paga I Kuat-Tam
Sige Abante, Ilagan!

Arayyu Ngana I Nadde Tam
Sulong, Sulong, Sulong Pa!
Arayyu Paga I Angayat-Tam
Sige Abante, Ilagan!

Attannang Ngana I Nagawa Tam
Sulong, Sulong, Sulong Pa!
Ettam Paga Nga Atannangan
Sige, Abante, Ilagan!


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