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Tuesday, April 26, 2005

Why I came to believe Bro. Eli?

For the first time I hear Bro. Eli, is something memorable. I remember the time when I was searching for religious programs like the El Shaddai, a charismatic group of Mr. Mike Velarde and also the Iglesia Ni Cristo, a religious gourp of Mr. EraƱo Malano founded by his very own father.

To my surprise, I found Bro. Eli on that seven evening of some May 2000. I like the program. With biblical citations which verses being read I am very ignorant. Even those verses that I didnt hear to any pastors on that time even when I was in my former religion.

Listening to Bro. Eli has became my habit. I even took recording his program Ang Dating Daan for my benefit. To play it again and again and again. I begin telling Ang Dating Daan to my coursins and I invited them to hear also. And I found out that one of them was angry about it. That was my surprise, that not all those who hear Bro. Eli like him and his program also. Just like what happened to Jesus Christ that not all the Jews like him. But he was telling the truth.

I was even told to stop hearing Bro. Eli Soriano. It was advised by my false pastor in my former religion. I didnt take it. I believe that it is my right to know and to search who is telling the truth. Even with my mother told me to stop it. But I dont believe anyone of them.

Several months of listening, I feel something inside me... something interesting... that is to read the bible and studying. I have known the God that I didnt know in the past. Through the efforts of Bro. Eli Soriano from the the program Ang Dating Daan by propagating the gospel of Jesus Christ from scriptures.

Later 2001, it came to my attention to be a member of this church which the bible tells human to abide. The Church of God in the Christ Jesus, in I Timothy 3:15 on that verse.

I believe Bro. Eli Soriano because he is telling the truth. Not only me but to the people who listens to him. I came to believe because I hear him for two years. And two years was enough for me to prove that he is telling the truth. If ever I am Bro. Eli, I will do these things also. I will tell also the truth that is in the bible. I will tell the gospel of Jesus Christ.

I came to believe Bro. Eli because of the gospel of Christ.

Monday, October 18, 2004

It's 21 years old me and more

I am now 21 years of age and happy birthday to me!

Turning this age is a significant milestone, marking the transition into adulthood. Here are some of my suggestions for what you can do to make the most of this exciting time:

  1. Celebrate: Plan a special celebration with friends and family to mark this special occasion.

  2. Travel: Take advantage of your newfound freedom and explore new destinations or revisit your favorite places.

  3. Pursue your interests: Focus on developing your hobbies, interests, and talents.

  4. Get involved in your community: Volunteer, attend local events, or join a local club or organization.

  5. Start saving: Start building a strong financial foundation by setting aside money for emergencies, retirement, and other future expenses.

  6. Improve your health: Start a fitness routine, eat a balanced diet, and take steps to maintain good physical and mental health.

  7. Expand your education: Consider continuing your education or enrolling in a course or program to develop new skills or knowledge.

  8. Network: Make connections with people who share your interests and passions, and develop a strong network of friends, mentors, and colleagues.

  9. Set goals: Define your short-term and long-term goals, and develop a plan to achieve them.

  10. Embrace your independence: Enjoy the freedom and responsibility that come with being an adult, and make the most of each day.

Remember, everyone's path is different, everyone has different perspective, so focus on what is meaningful and fulfilling to you. The most important thing is to be true to yourself and enjoy the journey.

Monday, January 05, 2004

The year 2004 and these are what I am looking for

My goals and aspirations for this year are the following:

  1. Career advancement: Many people may have been focused on advancing their careers, such as finding a new job, pursuing promotions, or exploring new industries.

  2. Education: Some individuals may have been interested in continuing their education, such as enrolling in college courses, completing a degree, or gaining new certifications.

  3. Personal growth: Many people may have been focused on personal growth, such as improving their health, learning new skills, or developing new hobbies.

  4. Relationships: Some individuals may have been seeking to improve their relationships, such as finding a romantic partner, repairing existing relationships, or building new friendships.

  5. Financial stability: Many people may have been focused on achieving financial stability, such as saving money, paying off debts, or investing for the future.

These are just a few examples of common goals that people might have had during that time. Your own goals and aspirations would depend on your personal circumstances and priorities.

What we have this year is the upcoming national and local elections where we will be selecting the leaders of what we will become in the future. I hope to be part of the solution rather than being a problem of small stuff.

Saturday, October 18, 2003

Officially 20 years old

It's a happy 20th birthday to me! As I enter my 20s, I know that this is a time of growth and discovery. I will continue to embrace the ups and downs, and trust that these will shape me into the person I am meant to be. I will keep myself to be surrounded with positive and supportive people. I will not be afraid to follow my heart and pursue my passions. Always remembering to stay curious, keep learning, and never stop growing. Here's to a decade filled with love, laughter, and adventure! See you in my 30s, God willing!

Monday, September 29, 2003

Officially a permanent status in my employment

Last September 24th, I have a good news from our chief that I am now a permanent status as employee of this school STI-Ilagan. I will be working as Librarian based on my capacity.

A welcome letter from our chief Bernard Piedad.

Monday, May 19, 2003

My first job

On this day, May 19, 2003, I had the privilege of graduating from a diploma course at STI Ilagan. Following my graduation, I was fortunate to be offered a position at the same school, initially serving as a Librarian based on my qualifications. I am grateful to Sir Rolando B. Fernandez, the COO of STI Ilagan, who recommended me to our superiors and played a pivotal role in my hiring process.

My experience working at STI Ilagan was immensely enjoyable. I had the opportunity to interact with students from various towns across Isabela province, forming lasting connections and memories along the way. While there were undoubtedly both pleasant and challenging moments, I believe it is important for us to embrace the experiences and lessons learned, and to move forward with a positive outlook. After all, we live in a free country where we have the freedom to chart our own paths and pursue new opportunities.

Friday, October 18, 2002

My 19th birthday message

It's been a few months and years since I am writing this blog of mine, and I hope that life may treat me well. I want to know that no matter what challenges or obstacles I will face, I will come out stronger and more resilient. I will keep pushing myself and don't be afraid to take risks and chase my dreams. I will stay true to my values and beliefs, and always be kind to myself and specially to others. Always taking the time for self-care, and to enjoy the simple things in life. Above all, trust in the journey and know that everything will work out in the end.

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