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Monday, October 03, 2022

I'm streaming on Bigo Live

Today marks the beginning of streaming via Bigo Live. I official signed up as one of the Bigo hosts under the Solid Tropang Kapatiran (STK) agency.

One of my livestream events on the app.

If you wish to be one of us, don't forget to download the Bigo Live app and enter my invitation code 345014126 and find more surprises to earn money. Visit to follow me on Bigo as well.

Tuesday, June 28, 2022

Baby Dhan Axziel is born

Our newborn baby is born today. His name is Dhan Axziel. Welcome to the the family, welcome to the world!

Monday, June 13, 2022

Stablishing relationship

Our winning actions always start with complete trust and integrity. By description, trust is the "firm belief in the trustability, verity, capability, or strength of someone or commodity." As we work with people from different backgrounds, beliefs and gests, how can we cultivate a culture of trust? Award- winning author Liggy Webb shares these 5 micro tips on how to make trust

1. Believe in yourself

How much do you trust and believe in yourself?

The key to stablishing trust is to first have trust in ourselves, because if we don’t trust ourselves also why should we anticipate anyone differently to?

Being true to ourselves and our particular values is crucial to living a life of integrity and fulfilment. Cultivating a strong sense of tone- efficacity and tone- compassion will help us to feel more predicated and confident.

2. Let go of the past

Do you spend time ruminating on negative gests and remonstrating effects over in your mind?

This can be harmful and exhausting so occasionally we need to be suitable to SUMO ( Shut up and move on!)

Being Suitable to let go of negative gests from the history will enable us to appreciatively move forward and help us to be more trusting, lower anxious, and flexible.

There may well be occasions where we've been disappointed or let down and this is part of the rich shade of life. Some of those delicate gests will have made us stronger. Viewing each new experience and person with a freshman’s mindset and an open heart and mind is a far salutary way to live and make trust.

3. Avoid gossip

Do you ever find yourself caught up in tattling?

A good way for us to live with integrity is to imagine that anyone we're talking about is standing right behind us. This way we will always be regardful and aware of what we say about them.

People infrequently trust someone who's willing to dish and generally if someone is willing to dish about someone differently the chances are, they will do the same about us! There's absolutely no benefit whatsoever to tattling and it's a waste of precious emotional energy. All it does is energy negativity and unhappiness so steering clear of gossipmongers is essential when it comes to erecting trust.

4. Be ok with not having all the answers

Do you ever feel uncomfortable with saying"I do not know"?

When we don’t know the answer to problem or we do n’t have the result, it's far better to just be open and honest and just say so. We can’t be anticipated to have all the answers. Because no one does because after all we all people in progress.

This admission also provides us with the occasion to identify what we need to learn so we grow and come wiser.

5. Don’t play the blame game

Do you feel comfortable with taking particular responsibility when you make a mistake?

When people live and work together, honest miscalculations and bummers will inescapably do. That’s life! Still, when people start pointing the cutlet, and playing the blame game, this can veritably snappily undermine trust and produce fear, making people reticent to open up again.

Miscalculations are part of life and a healthy focus on seeing them as learning openings can help to support a more relaxed, cooperative and trusting terrain.

Monday, May 16, 2022

Now certified digital journalist

I am honored to hold this certificate as one of the graduates of the Digital Journalism program offered by REUTERS and the Meta Journalism Project. This certification represents a commitment to journalistic integrity and responsibility in the digital sphere. With this credential, I embrace the weighty responsibility of ensuring that the information I disseminate online is accurate, well-supported, and free from misinformation.

Possessing this certificate signifies a dedication to upholding the principles of ethical journalism in the digital age. It serves as a reminder of the importance of rigorous fact-checking, thorough research, and verification of sources before sharing any information online. In an era where misinformation proliferates at alarming rates, this certification equips me with the necessary skills to combat the spread of fake news and misinformation, thereby contributing to a more informed and discerning online community.

As a graduate of the Digital Journalism program, I am committed to fostering transparency, credibility, and trust in online media. I recognize the pivotal role journalists play in shaping public discourse and safeguarding the truth. With this certificate, I pledge to uphold the highest standards of journalistic ethics and integrity, ensuring that my contributions to the digital landscape are characterized by accuracy, fairness, and accountability.

Have your certificate as well via this link:

Monday, April 18, 2022

Officially a freelancer

I was able to comple the training for General Virtual Assistant through Raqsstar Assistant Academy last April 9-10, 2022. Thos step will help me prepare for my future career as a freelancer, tp help business owners to manage their daily task through work at home setup. This is a great opportunity to earn more as a virtual assistant, from the comfort of my home.

Friday, January 28, 2022

Stay in good health

Today, after going for a health checkup, my physician told me I have problem with me left lung. I am diagnose with pulmonary tuberculosis. I need to under four months of treatment and I did so. I am lucky enough still that I didn't catch corona virus while I am having this disease. Keep healthy and be wise.

Monday, December 20, 2021

Moving to Makati City

I have been living in Pineda, Pasig City since 2015 and today, I am officially leaving Pasig City. I am moving to a nearby city, which is Makati City.

Moving to another city means relocating to a different geographical area, usually for an extended period of time. This can involve leaving behind familiar surroundings, friends, and family, and adjusting to a new environment, culture, and way of life.

Just beside the mighty Pasig river between the cities of Pasig and Makati.

Moving to another city can bring many changes, both positive and negative. It can provide new opportunities, such as better job prospects, a lower cost of living, or a new way of life, but it can also present challenges, such as adapting to a new environment, establishing a new social network, and managing the stress of the transition.

Moving to another city requires careful planning and preparation, including research about the new city, finding a place to live, and establishing a new support network. However, it can also be an exciting and transformative experience, providing the chance to start fresh, learn new skills, and make new memories.

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