Weather in Ilagan City, Isabela, Philippines

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Delay your anger

"It does not pay to say too much when you are mad enough to choke.
"For the word that stings the deepest is the word that is never spoke.
"Let the other fellow wrangle till the storm has blown away.
"Then he'll do a heap of thinking about the things you didn't say."

—James Whitcomb Riley

Friday, February 15, 2013

Insights in the foundational principles of morality and you

Philosophers interested in theories of knowledge have another option for justifying beliefs – coherentism. To picture this theory at work, think of a web. A belief sits at each node in the web, and is connected to other beliefs through strands of logic. Each belief is justified by its relationship to other beliefs, themselves justified in terms of connection to other beliefs, which (eventually) which are all tied together. There are no foundational beliefs – no self-justified propositions that serve as a "foundation" for all others. Everything is justified by the quality of its connections to everything else. Some beliefs are very well connected. Others are connected only by thin threads.

The main aim of moral philosophy is to find the foundational principle of metaphysics of morals uses this idea in the first two chapters of his Groundwork. He wanted to develop a certain principle or principles used to make the ordinary moral judgments, which would be accepted by any normal, sane adult person doesn't address the moral skeptics, who need a reason to act morally, he has another aim – to establish some moral principle and show that this principle is rational. His idea is that "creatures with rational wills" have autonomy.

But there are other aims of moral philosophy according to Kant. One of the questions of moral philosophy is – What ought I to do? the answer to this question needs to be something more that just informing the fundamental principle of morality. Kant offers a categorization of people's basic ethical obligations to themselves and others. Kant states also that there should be something said about absolute end of human's behavior, like the Highest God and the relation of it to moral life.

Kant often discusses the question of the method of moral philosophy to reach its aims. According to him the fundamental philosophical matters are to be addressed a priori, this means without using the observations of human beings and their behavior. As soon as the fundamental principles of morality are established a priori, the certain conclusions as for the further behavior of a person can be drawn with the help of the fact from his experience. But Kant himself doesn't always use only a priori method, as he talks for example about empirical facts, about practical principles, which determine people's wills.

These ten principles can serve as the analytical base for any social problem. For example, if anyone wonders why catholic church documents focus so frequently on war, peace, nuclear weapons, the economy, abortion, euthanasia, health care, education, and a wide range of other topics that have a clear social and moral dimension, these principles provide the necessary framework for understanding that teaching.

This Highest God to "Kant is complete moral virtue together with complete happiness, where the first one is the basis for gaining the second". Really few of people deserve the happiness. Kant called immorality (unlimited time for people to perfect themselves) and well being (given by Divine Providence) the "postulates", necessary for reason if to talk about moral matters.

Principles are important. Once internalized, they lead to something. They direct our choices. They prompt us to act. A principled person has a place to stand. He knows where he is coming from and where he wants to go. Principles give us purpose. Those of us who are teachers yearn, deep in our hearts, to help form principled persons who are ready and willing to act responsibly.

Wednesday, February 06, 2013

The newest member of the family


This is Alexandrea, my first niece. Born last October 09, 2012 in the city of Ilagan, Isabela. At four months old, she can now responds to some of our gestures, she yells during her playtime. Currently, she is currently recognizing the Sponge bob's toy. Love it.

Monday, August 13, 2012

The new city of Ilagan

City Mayor Jay with a thumb up saying we are now a city.
Last August 11, 2012 successfully converted the Municipality of Ilagan into a city. The city now joins the rank of the other 143 cities in the Philippines.

Let me quote some famous sayings and anecdotes that a city must have:

“A great city is one where people want to go out of their homes. Public space is a magical good, and it never ceases to yield pleasure; we should give it a lot of attention. Public good prevails over private interest. A great city is where we all feel not excluded. The quality of the sidewalks in a city is the most telling thing. Just as a bird needs to fly, fish need to swim and deer need to run, we need to walk.”
“The most valuable asset in a city is its road space. The road space can be used as a society wishes. How do you want to distribute this space between pedestrians, bicycles, mass transit and cars—this is a political decision. Trying to solve traffic jams with bigger roads is like trying to put out a fire with gasoline. If there was more space for cars in London or New York, there would be more cars. Making new parking lots in London has been banned for over 40 years.”
“A city speaks, a city creates behavior. We want people to be able to leave their cars at home. In Holland a political decision was made to support bicycle infrastructure. It is done little by little. In Japan 30% of people who arrive at a train station arrive by bike. To have a safe bicycle route is a right; governments have to take a risk, show leadership and do the uncomfortable thing to invest in the necessary infrastructure. Bicycle use is a great symbol of equality. Someone on a $30 bike and a $30,000 car are equal in the street. A cyclist has as much right to use the road space as does a car. In developing countries 15-35% of people’s income is saved by those who travel by bicycle. In the future, bicycles will continue to become more and more important.

In 200 years people will say how could they live in those horrible 2010 cities? The 20th century will be remembered as disastrous for cities, as they were designed to accommodate cars, not people. “ Source: EcoLocalizer (

Monday, April 23, 2012

A visit to Ilagan Santuary

The last time we visit Ilagan Sanctuary was April 22, 2012. A wonderful experience with new people.

About two hours of walking before reaching the Pinzal Falls but most of us enjoy the scenic beauty of the place. It's definitely a commendable visit for you guys, despite the area leading to the falls do not have yet any concrete paths for an easy reach in a matter of minutes.

Find time to visit again, maybe the next summer of 2013. Enjoy enjoy and enjoy. :D

Sunday, March 04, 2012

Dangerous drugs

Drug abuse has dramatically worsened over the years. This is clearly manifested by the high number of apprehensions relative to the violation of Republic Act 9165 otherwise known as Comprehensive Dangerous Drugs Act of 2002 which impose stiff penalties for would-be violators.

Philippine jails are also heavily populated with drug-related offenders or suspects. Their cases range from mere usage to the manufacture of dangerous drugs. The most common of which is called “Shabu”, “poor man’s cocaine” or “meth” or simply “bato”. In Ilagan District Jail alone, one-third of the jail population are suspects for the violation of RA 9165-all facing charges at the various Regional Trial Courts in Ilagan and Cabagan. This is also the same picture in other jails.

What makes the drub menace a thriving underground activity? Philippines is now considered as one of the docking points or entry points of drug contrabands. Philippine archipelagic nature is a factor. The police and naval patrols cannot fully cover the 7,100 islands. Their limited number is also doubly weakened by various forms of corruption and bribery. Drug lords are awashed with money and do everything to bring in their products in cahoots with the police authorities.

The drug problem is considered a multi-billion dollar industry and it has grown into a self-regulated economy all on its own. It is now wrecking havoc to legitimate economy of the country and elsewhere.

 Poverty also drives people to peddle dangerous drugs to earn a living. That’s why drugs are so common in squatters where poverty line and they would do everything to live.
The advent of free trade or liberation also contributed in the influx of raw materials for Shabu production. They can enter the ports or customs quite liberally and without tariffs or reduced tariffs. Latest news reports reveal that the Chinese nationals are involved in the entry of raw materials.

The drug menace does not only undermine economy. It has destroys the moral fabric of Philippine society. It attacks the families, the youth, the poor and ever the upright. It affects all ages-young and old. It transcends gender-male and female.

Dangerous drugs seem to be everywhere and authorities have to double efforts to check them. If every offender is apprehended, these are the likely outcome of acquittal as the method or manner of apprehension are usually violations of well-settled doctrines that protest individuals rights and liberties. Simply put, they were not properly apprehended. This, police authorities must well study and rectify their errors to ensure conviction.

The judiciary and justice department are also not spared of the drub menace. Drug lords could afford to dispense their millions to overturn convictions, quack changes or bribe investigators. A former President once accused in robes- from the trial courts up to the appellate or ever the Supreme Court.

Drug lords also support politicians to secure protection from the law. In this way, they could maintain their illegal activities and spread their network and market.

Philippine government must be firm and make a decision stance. But the government cannot do this alone. The problem of drugs needs to involve the cooperation of the community, the church and the media. The prosecutors and judges, the police and POEA.

Police information about the ill-effects must not only in schools but in the barangays as well. Rehabilitation centers must be affordable to make time accessible. And most importantly, livelihood programs must be accorded to the needy and make them productive.

from file.

Saturday, December 10, 2011

Back to blogging

It has been a long time since I blog with my blogger account. First, I can't find time to do it and currently busy at work here at a department store. Second, I have a tight budget that hampers my posts. And lastly, I have no words to say behind so many tasks. Hoping that anyone in the world will listen to my post and have a great time reading my blogs.

Let's continue with God's help.

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To Amend or Not To Amend: That is the Question. A Debate on Charter Change.