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Sunday, January 28, 2018

Rich Americans are not interested in creating jobs

The rich are NOT interested in creating jobs, they're interested in making money. The rich make money in two ways:
  • Raise prices.
  • Cut costs (labor is a big part of costs, so are taxes).
In the United States of America (USA), rich land owners used African slaves (free labor) to make money. Then came emancipation (the end of slavery). Costs went up and profits went down. The rich then exploited workers, offering poor wages, few benefits and deplorable working conditions. Then came unions. Costs went up and profits went down. The rich then moved production overseas to exploit cheap labor there, offering poor wages, few benefits and deplorable working conditions. The American worker at home was left without a job. The rich aren't interested in creating jobs, they're interested in making money.

It is a common misconception that the rich are primarily concerned with creating jobs. In reality, their primary focus is on maximizing their profits and increasing their wealth through various means. One of the main ways in which the rich generate income is by raising prices on goods and services, thereby increasing their profit margins. Additionally, they often seek to cut costs, with labor being a significant expense. By reducing labor costs and minimizing taxes, the rich can further boost their profits.

Throughout history, the wealthy have employed different strategies to maintain their financial advantage. In the United States, for example, wealthy landowners historically relied on African slaves to provide free labor and maximize their profits. However, with the abolition of slavery, labor costs increased, leading to a decrease in profits for the wealthy elite. Similarly, the rise of labor unions in the late 19th and early 20th centuries posed a challenge to the wealthy, as workers demanded better wages, benefits, and working conditions, thereby increasing costs for employers and reducing profits.

In response to these challenges, the wealthy have often sought alternative methods to maintain their profits. This has included outsourcing production to countries with lower labor costs, where workers are often paid low wages and subjected to poor working conditions. This shift in production has contributed to job losses and economic insecurity for workers in the United States, as jobs are moved overseas in pursuit of cheaper labor. Ultimately, while the rich may claim to create jobs, their primary objective remains maximizing profits, often at the expense of workers' livelihoods and well-being.

Monday, December 11, 2017

Starting my career as a recruiter

Now officially part of an education campaign under HKT Teleservices where my recruiting skills will be honed. I will be helping applicants on their issues in their online teaching application. The goal is to land a job online which will the applicants earn 14-20 dollars per hour at the comfort of their homes.

My employee ID as for my recruitment career.

I am happy to be part of this job where I talk to American teacher-applicants through video interviews in assisting on their application.

Thursday, November 16, 2017

To my beautiful person

I know you're broken deep within,
Your heart is filled with painful things—
Of betrayal, imperfections, and sorrows
Of lies, broken promises, and missed occasions

You traversed the road of childhood's loneliness,
Of teenage years’ hardships and first love and kisses,
All those years you have been strong and you still are,
Your heart is made of steel but year-round warm

Your mind bleeds with uncertainties
Over thinking of so much little things,
You’re afraid that one day you’d lose everything
And the chances you should now be taking

I know how much you are longing for someone
To love you the way you can give love to a loved one,
Without hesitations, excuses, and reservation
But will all of heart, spirit, and mind’s affection

Reach your dreams and goals with burning passion
For I know God will grant what you’re praying for
Just have faith, perseverance, and determination
But will of all heart, spirit, and mind's affection

So go on now my beautiful person,
Reach your dreams and goals with burning passion
For I know God will grant what you are praying for
Just have faith, perseverance, and determination.

ctto: Arlene Abcede #Freedom #Poetry

Wednesday, August 30, 2017


By Ellaine Francisco-See

Not everyone may be bright.
Others are just privileged,
Others opportuned,
While the rest are taking risks.

We have our own respective battles
As we listen to one another
And assess human behavior
Let's try to attach some MERCY.

MERCY in giving others chances
Broadening understanding
Expanding considerations
And putting God first in every decision.

We cannot see the hearts of others
But we know we are also weak
At the end, we shall seek
And pray for MERCY.

Friday, August 18, 2017

Pahamak na bibig

By Ellaine Francisco-See

Hindi sa lahat ng oras ang biro ay biro
Sa taong may pinagdadaanan
Ito pa ay isang insulto
May panahong bibig ay dapat itikom
Upang sa kahit maliit na paraan
May mga sugat kang matutulungang maghilom

Ang mababaw na salita mo
Sa iba'y may kurot at sakit
Hindi nakakatuwa kundi nakakapanliit
Panghahamak sa kapwa
Ni hindi mo man dapat masambit
Pagkat ang iyong panlalait at pagmamaliit
Nagpapatunay lamang na isipan ay makitid

Salita mo'y gawin
Ang itinuturo'y tupdin
Nang ang respeto'y di na dapat hingin
Sa pagpapahalaga mo, kusa kang mamahalin.

Sarili'y di natin lubusang kilala
Paano pa kaya ang sa iba?
Huwag naman sanang manghamak ng sobra
Maalala mo sana
Parehas pa rin kayong nakaapak sa lupa.

Saturday, April 22, 2017

Ten years and beyond on Facebook

It's been my decade on Facebook. Being with the largest social network for ten years means a lot. You've been making constantly connecting new people and new friends.

The most remarkable year is the year 2017 when I can search for my families, clans and relatives on Facebook. I have even create Facebook Group and Page for both Portales and Yabes relatives. It seems so very exciting to have these great families to be connected on and off Facebook. I even looking for a grand reunion and meeting with them!

Another thing is when I created Facebook Groups and Facebook Pages for the 18 regions, 81 provinces, 145 cities and 1,489 municipalities in the Philippines. My intention is to promote the locals by having official groups and pages and to encourage everyone to participate in the discussion. It's fun way of meeting new people as well as the chance to travel these places in the future.
So, I will stay on Facebook not just for ten years but beyond the ten years. It feels like I am in authority with these activities and discussions that I am doing with groups and pages, being the sole group admin/page manager and with the efforts of group moderators/page editors.

Of course, I have chance in helping the propagation of GOD's word in terms of sharing blogs of Mr. Controversy. Hoping these groups and pages get more audiences, with GOD's help.
So, keep up the good work. I am worthless with out GOD's help.

Saturday, March 25, 2017

My first BPO job

It was December 2016 when headhunters caught me to undergo a hiring job caravan. Offering first a free meal from a fast food located along Ayala avenue, next to USANA Philippines office where it is my scheduled to-do list visit with a friend: to attend a seminar. But headhunters really managed to divert my sched to go to job hiring process intead. What a great job these headhunters did!!! Hahaha.

At around three o'clock, we headed to the Alorica office, just a few blocks from Ayala avenue, undergone the long process of hiring in a call center: initial, online and final interviews with different HR people. Long process because of the long hours of waiting time in between. We log our details in a computer, wait for our names to be called, and so on and so forth. During long wait, we, applicants managed to talk to each on different topics, so an air of friendship was born for a little time. No one bothers to get contact numbers and Facebook accounts, may be for a simple 'nahihiya' thing at first.

At first, there were many of applicants, but as night goes deeper, only few remain standing for the final interview. We wait for hours for the finals. There were six of us that time, unfortunately only two didn't pass the final interview. Only four proceeded to sign the job order: John Carlo Abella, Miasayo Fontanilla, Williamson Pineda and yours truly.

Wave 226A of Alorica Exportbank, Makati City

We are all required to report on January 5th for orientation program. From there, I met my wave mates. We are under batch 226a. Training starts January 9th, our goal is to finish the 40 training days. We are 24 hopefuls to finish the training days.

Here are the list of 24 hopefuls, in sitting arrangement: John Harvey, Laurence, Patt, Joana Marie, Alona, Jessie, JC, Cy, Eric, William, Mia, Ex, Majo, Joy, Dave, Melvin, me, Marky, JL, Egay, Jaja, Pham, Dahlz and Blue. Thanks to our trainers: Denise, Rob and Reeno.

Everyone of us passed the accent training, so everybody must be serious enough to pursue to be one of the agents in the BPO industry. Although it is always maligned by others by putting the industry in bad light in the Philippines, one must be brave enough to be in it. Simply because we do customer service insanely great and awesome. Most importantly, a significant percentage of our hard-earned salary is contributed to the development of the Philippines by means of tax collection.

This shows my certificate of employment.

As of this writing, only 14 of us are now working at production floor,  doing great things for customer's great experience. The next two months will determine our abilities on becoming regular status employees.

Facebook Page

To Amend or Not To Amend: That is the Question. A Debate on Charter Change.