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Monday, July 15, 2019

Facebook and Instagram accounts

It was in May 15th when I started to think that I need to go offline on Facebook as my account has been disabled for no reason at all. So my accounts on Facebook and Instagram were closed down. These are two addictive and dopamine-inducing social media websites.

A week later
A bit of adjustment after a week. I began to think that most of my time spent on reading articles. I develop my habit of reading blogs as days are passing by, took a lot of photos, etc. I also began to read Wikipedia articles, Spanish news, watching YouTube tutorials and a lot more. I also listen to music and start to learn vocalization. In the long run, I became more active by signing up a gym membership.

A month later
Well after a month, I began to be organized. Not just checking my calendars but to be mentally active and focused on things that I need to attend. I try my best to keep on visiting some parts of Metro Manila that I used to visit when I was working as a field researcher back then. So long as I have enough.

Alternative Apps
I have other apps that I am using now. These are meetup and couch surfing. These apps are useful in meeting people. Know what's happening sorts of.

I challenge you to do the same thing. Delete Facebook and Instagram accounts. Let's start to go offline.

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