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Monday, August 07, 2023

Downfall of Tagalog language in the Philippines

In June 2023, this Facebook page posted about Tagalog language. It is being the third most widely spoken language in three states in the USA. I posted comments about it on Facebook comment section similar to the screenshot below.

After few hours, out of nowhere, this person who claims intelligent lambasted my comment saying I am fool and being foolish. His name is Balon Hpesram, appears to be a kakampink. We exchanged comments until the latter resorted to maligning my person, calling me names. Which is abviously one of the toxic attitudes of being a Filipino. But some Filipinos remain professional when interacting online. Freedom of expression is a fundamental right and people should learn how to respect and be so civil when disagreeing comments in social media.

On the other hand, Tagalog is bound to fall sooner or later. Why? Filipino including Panitkan subjects are no longer mandatory in colleges and universities in the Philippines. Hence, it is no longer required. After all, K to 12 education should be enough to equip students in their future careers! Another thing is teaching maters are not enough to continue teaching Filipino and Panitikan subjects.

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