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Monday, August 23, 2010

Free college education for real life

Real life education is free education. That is what La Verdad Christian College’s image to the public. Through its scholarship program, the hope of entering college is now made easy. And even making dreams a reality.

In our country where most of students have problems in finishing their college education. Because of lack of financial support, a student may hardly get a diploma or finish a course. La Verdad Christiain College is giving answer to end this problem.

La Verdad Christian College was started in the year 2005, and with Bro. Eli Soriano and Kuya Daniel Razon behind this scholarship. The scholarship program was started in the year 2009. These two men are known for their public services that even a politician cannot do its constituents.

A qualified scholar will enjoy the benefits of the following: free tuition free, free miscellaneous free, free college uniform, free P. E. uniform, free books, free manuals, free dormitory and free lunch!

This is the one-of-a-kind scholarship that the whole world may know that only La Verdad Christian College offers this program.

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